Misc. IT

What doesn't have a home anywhere else or enough content for it's own page...

Dell Firmware Update ISOs (at least for now, they keep moving this stuff around)

Transfer Dell ownership and warranty of products:

Dell Support Live Image

Dell iDRAC Reset via SSH
admin1-> racadm racreset soft

Locations for Dell Firmware Site in the Lifecycle Controller
Go to Network Share, choose HTTPS downloads.dell.com
ftp.dell.com has been retired
 Note: Make sure you have the latest iDRAC version, otherwise it will fail

SSL Server Test

Cool Tool for Managing Linux

AWS Snapshot Restore
1. Select snapshot to restore, and choose Create Volume (be sure to select the correct Availability Zone for your existing Instance)

2. Select and Detach Volume on the one to replace
3. Select your new volume, and choose Attach Volume, select the Instance from the dropdown, and enter /dev/sda1 for the Device
4. Start the Instance with the restored volume

Adding Schema Plugin to MMC
Open an administrative Command Prompt
Run: regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll
PowerShell Cmds:
Using a Powershell script in Task Scheduler
1. Choose Start a program as the Action
2. Use Powershell.exe as the Program/Script
3. Add your script in Add arguments, prefixed with -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
    i.e.   -ExecutionPolicy Bypass C:\Scripts\RemoveBadAddresses.ps1

To find out info about current sessions in Remote Desktop and the console (since tsadmin is no more)
> quser /SERVER:servername

To log someone off
> logoff [sessionname | sessionid] /SERVER:servername 

Disk cleanup for Windows 2012 on... (since Cleanmgr is available to remove Microsoft Updates)
> dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup 
> dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
> dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /SPSuperseded 

Restarting/Stopping Jenkins from the UI (aka URL)
http://<jenkins.server>/restart  -  forces restart
<jenkins.server>/safeRestart  -  waits for jobs to finish
<jenkins.server>/exit  -  forces shutdown
<jenkins.server>/safeExit  -  waits for jobs to finish before shutting down
<jenkins.server>/quietDown  -  prepare for restart so no new builds start
<jenkins.server>/cancelQuietDown  -  cancels above


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