I don't know about you, but always having the "orange flower" icon whenever I log into a new account on a system or use the Remote Desktop client has gotten old.
Of course, you can change the account icon by clicking on it from the Start Menu, bringing you into Control Panel > User Accounts to select Change your picture and choose from the list available or Browse for more pictures...
But if you want to change the default permanently, grab yourself a 128 x 128 bitmap (.bmp) image and name it user.bmp and dump it into: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures, confirm to overwrite.
You can also add your own icons to the list offered by naming the bitmaps usertile45.bmp, usertile46.bmp, etc. and placing them in: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures
As you would imagine, this works for Windows Vista and 2008/R2. Still don't have a Windows 8 system to use, so you're mileage may vary with that...